07.2024 DIPRO®flex in all colors for robust applications
Source: DIPROmat
Robust cell phone protective cover made out of product ID 2091, DIPRO®flex S52DH4MD/1327*600/3001F
The density of 0.92 g/cm³ is approx. 30 % lower than the density of TPU.
The cell phone protective cover is manufactured using FFF/FDM filament printing.
The practically invisible layers and the pleasant feel are impressive.
This type can be produced with improved flowability for injection molding.
06.2024 Flexball made of DIPRO®flex S, Filament Printing
Softness is a combination of Shore hardness and geometry.
As the hardness of the filaments has a limit, it makes sense to make the application soft by using the appropriate geometry.
The Flexball is printed from filament with Product ID 1634, PX-DIPRO®flex S90.1H2/1300*700F with 90 Shore A.
Due to its geometry, the ball is highly flexible despite its relatively high hardness.
Special features:
Forget the problem of “wet filaments”, as is the case with TPU.
DIPRO®flex H with higher strength and good abrasion resistance are available.
Source: GRAUTS
06.2024 Stiff Ball Lattice Structure and Turbine Wheel with DIPRO®blend H, GF 25 %
All examples show the very good molding of delicate structures and complex geometries.
All applications are made of Product ID 2008, PX-DIPRO®blend H3GF5H4Z24*800F, a HIGH-PERFORMANCE-POLYOLEFIN with 25 % special glass fiber reinforcement.
Special features:
Shaping is almost unlimited in filament (FFF/FDM) and pellet printing (FGM/FGF).
Ultra-tough grades are available (CHARPY k >30 kJ/m²).
Source: GRAUTS
06.2024 Hopper for 3D Pellet Printers – Precision Polyamide with 25 % Special Glass Fiber Reinforcement
To improve the flowability of pellets, especially Thermoplastic Elastomers, we have replaced the original asymmetrical hopper with a symmetrical axial hopper.
Source: DIPROmat
Product ID 1610, PX-DIPRO®mid T25.8CH2GF5*9200F
Precision polyamide with 25 % special glass fiber reinforcement
Special features:
Simply print your machine components yourself!
Source: DIPROmat
05.2024 DIPRO®flex Thermoplastic Elastomers
DIPRO®mat presents a complete series of Thermoplastic Elastomers with the following special features
Source: DIPROmat
Seal carrier with cable grommets
Cable grommets (natural/light):
DIPRO®flex S Thermoplastic Elastomer, 50 ShA, with polyamide adhesion
Product ID 1173, PX-DIPRO®flex S50H23B2/1230*702/0201
Housing component (black):
PA 30 % GF
04.2024 Radiation-Crosslinkable Polymers for Injection Molding and Extrusion
Properties after radiation-crosslinking
Source: DIPROmat / BGS
04.2024 Hard/Soft Connection, FFF/FDM Printing
Source: DIPROmat
Housing with seal
Housing component (black):
High-Performance Polyolefin, ultra-tough, 25 % GF
Product ID 1492, DIPRO®blend H3GF5H1Z34*9200F
Sealing component (red):
Thermoplastic Elastomer, 80 Sh A
Product ID 1597, DIPRO®flex S80H2/1300*702F
03.2024 Super Surface with DIPRO®blend H GF 15 % – Filament Printing
Source: DIPROmat
Product ID 1443, DIPRO®blend H3GF3H1Z44*9200F – housing material for very robust applications
11.2023 Hard/Soft Combination, FDM Printing
Hard/soft combinations with co-recyclable products can now also be printed using the FDM/FFF or pellet printing process!
A very valuable feature, especially with filament printing, is that the spools do not have to be pre-dried.
These hard/soft combinations are also easy to produce in larger quantities using injection molding.
Source: GRAUTS
Garden chair or appliance base
11.2023 DIPRO®blend H 20 % Mineral MT
Source: DIPROmat
Product ID 1832, DIPRO®blend H3MT4H1Z24*800F
11.2023 ARBURG-FORMNEXT Presentation / DIPRO®mid on FREEFORMER
Bicycle tire lever made of DIPRO®mid H GF 25 % for changing bicycle tires
10.2023 DIPRO®blend H with and without Glass Fiber Reinforcement / Filament Pressure
Housing, medium stiffness, ultra-tough
Lid, 25 % GF reinforcement
09.2023 Whether Flower Vase, Car Bumper or Technical Housing – EVERYTHING 3D Printed!
We like to use these vases to evaluate printability, layer adhesion and haptics. Shown here with a wall thickness of only 0.4 mm.
All polymers shown in these 3 vases look similar, but differ significantly from each other.
1) Vase large
– Product ID 1633, PX-DIPRO®blend H3.1H1Z64*700F, or Product ID 1864, PX-DIPRO®blend H3H2Z14*601EX –
Depending on the stiffness requirement, this demonstrator was made of DIPRO®blend H product ID 1633, PX-DIPRO®blend H3.1H1Z64*700F, or product ID 1864, PX-DIPROblend H3H2Z14*601EX. These two unreinforced and ultra-tough polymers have an Et Modulus of 856 MPa to 1,050 MPa and are virtually indestructible due to ultra-tough impact and notched impact properties.
2) Vase center
– Product ID 1832, PX-DIPRO®blend H3MT4H1Z24*800F –
In order to further increase the stiffness, 20 % mineral type “MT” was used for product ID 1832, PX-DIPRO®blend H3MT4H1Z24*800F. Now a housing material with Et Modulus of 1,520 MPa is available with high impact strength and still good notched impact strength. The surface finish is excellent.
3) Vase on the right
– Product ID 1831, PX-DIPRO®blend H3MTGF42H1Z24*800F –
For some housings, the above-mentioned stiffness is not yet sufficient, which is why Product ID 1831, PX-DIPRO®blend H3MTGF42H1Z24*800F, was developed as a housing grade with 20% mineral type “MT” and 10% special glass fiber for low-cost housing materials. The Et Modulus is now 3,030 MPa.
In addition to this group of polymers, 10 – 25% specialty glass fiber polymers are available up to 4,500 MPa tensile modulus.
09.2023 DIPRO®flex S90.1H2/1300*700F, Product ID 1634 – Thermoplastic Elastomer for Filament Printing up to 120 °C (HSBC)
Ultra-high molecular weight TPS for highest demands
08.2023 Market Launch of DIPRO®blend H3.1H1Z64*700F, Product ID 1633 – an ULTRA-TOUGH HOUSING MATERIAL!
High-Performance Polyolefin, unreinforced, for filament and pellet printers
These are the facts for an almost indestructible housing material of medium stiffness for robust applications.
The part shown has 0.4 mm wall thickness and demonstrates the extreme flexibility and toughness.
An ideal material for automotive parts, power tool industry, and sports and leisure applications.
Stiffer and softer DIPRO®blend H grades are available.
08.2023 DIPRO®blend H High-Performance Polyolefin 15 % GF (Special Glass Fiber Reinforcement), Ultra-Tough
Source: DIPROmat
Car storage tray for cell phone, cables and more
This material was chosen for automotive interior applications for the following reasons:
07.2023 Minimal Mold Shrinkage (0.1%/0.1% – MD/PMD), High Strength (153 /147 MPa – Dry/Conditioned), Stiffness (11,100 / 9,700 MPa – Dry/Conditioned) and Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT-B=200 °C) with Simultaneous ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) Properties Enable Forward-Looking Applications in FDM/FFF 3D Printing.
01.2023 DIPRO®blend H and DIPRO®flex High-Performance Polyolefins with Minimal Mold Shrinkage for High Precision
Together with ROTFELD-Consulting, DIPRO®mat has been able to develop a range of unreinforced and special glass fiber-reinforced high-performance polyolefins (patent pending) that exhibit hardly any shrinkage, are incredibly tough and – unlike conventional impact-modified PPs – do not lose any heat distortion temperature, since a blend component provides a Tg (glass transition temperature) of 160°C.
This results in polyolefin compounds with high precision available for injection molding and 3D printing. An exciting fact is that the development started in additive manufacturing, where a large warpage is useless, and now returned to injection molding applications.
12.2022 First Processing with Adaptive IR Zone Heating System (FFF/FDM Printing)
The equally smooth surface coupled with high strength in the build-up direction was achieved with Apium’s patented IR zone heating system. In this process, only the uppermost layers are melted so that there is a high level of layer bonding. In the meantime, the lower layers can cool down without any further thermal influence on the surface quality.
11.2022 First Production with DIPRO®mid Carbon Fiber on High-Speed Pellet Printer
Machine operating lever
Source: GRAUTS
11.2022 Extension of the ROTFELD Network by the Companies Q.BIG 3D GmbH, LuxYours GmbH and Grauts GmbH.
Successful network meeting with 11 diverse companies from the industrial sectors mobility, electrical, 3D machine manufacturers (pellet and filament printing FFF/FDM, VFGM, AKF), chemical smoothing, AF service providers and institutes.
Presentation of the largest molded part printed to date (Caravan rear end, 210 x 70 x 30 cm) made of DIPRO®mid GF at Q.BIG 3D.
10.2022 Filament / Pellet Printing – Hard/Soft Compound 3D
Simple hard/soft compound
09.2022 Development of PRECISION Polyamide for Flame Retardant (Injection Molding and 3D Printing) & Halogen-free DIPRO®flex FR, 75 ShA and Above.
09.2022 In the Past Year a Variety of Compounds for Injection Molding and Additive Manufacturing, Including Radiation Crosslinkable Polymers, Were Developed for the Production Company DIPROmat GmbH
Please visit www.dipromat.de (TECH-NEWS) for more information.
08.2022 Flexible Structure Made of DIPRO®flex for Pellet and Filament Printing, Up to 120 °C, Flexible, Super Bonding Strength for Flexible Three-Dimensional Structures
Flex structure
filament print from DIPRO®flex, 90 ShA
Source: GRAUTS
07.2022 Filaments by Network Partners with CARBON and GLAS Fiber Reinforcement with Extremely Low Shrinkage
Cooling nozzle
filament print made of DIPRO®mid 25 % GF
Source: GRAUTS
Sports bike bottle holder
filament print from DIPRO®mid 15 % CF
Source: GRAUTS
Turbine wheel
filament print made of DIPRO®mid 15 % GF
Source: GRAUTS
06.2022 TPE Masterbatch Development for In-House Production of TPS with Low Compression Set for Injection Molders & Printable TPE Special Compounds for FFF/FDM/LAAM/VLAAM and Pellet Printers
DIPRO®flex pellet printing
Source: Q.Big 3D
05.2022 DIPRO®mid for High-Capacity Pellet Printers VLAAM
Source: Q.BIG 3D
Caravan rear end
Precision polyamides with minimal mold shrinkage for high-capacity printers
01.2022 Development of Radiation-Crosslinkable DIPRO®mid PRECISION Polyamides for DIPRO®mat
Crosslink tester with switching bridge
Radiation-crosslinkable DIPRO®mid precision polyamides show the following differences compared to conventional PA grades:
Source: DIPROmat
08.2021 Product Highlights ETP for Filament and Pellet Printing
Reinforced high-performance PA grades for FFF (filament printers) and FGM (pellet printers)
All FFF-FGM polyamides with glass fiber reinforcement show extremely low mold shrinkage. This is particularly important for large-format printers.
PX-DIPROmid T25.7CH2C3*9200F Product-ID: 912 Request data sheet
(semi-aromatic, 15 % carbon fiber, HDT/B=200 °C)
PX-DIPROmid-T25.7CH2GF5*9200F Product-ID: 910 Request data sheet
(semi-aromatic, 25 % glass fiber, HDT/B = 200 °C)
PX-DIPROmid HT4.0H6.0GF5*9200F Product-ID: 921 Request data sheet
(PPA-25 % glass fiber, low warpage, Tg = 125 °C, HDT/A 215 °C, HDT/B 243 °C)
07.2021 Product Highlights ETP Injection Molding
High stiffness low warpage polyamides (40-60 % glass fiber reinforcement) with aesthetic surface, low warpage
PX-DIPROmid A1H6.1G12T3U*9200 Product-ID: 807 Request data sheet
PA66 + X, 60 % glass fiber, ultra-flow, 3rd generation partially aromatic PA, extremely good surface, low warpage.
The influence of moisture absorption on the properties is low. This is a typical metal substitute material with aesthetic surface.
PX-DIPROmid C3H6.1GF12T1U*9200 Produkt-ID: 793 Request data sheet
PA-Copo + X, 62 % glass fiber, partially aromatic, a possible answer to constantly recurring PA66 shortages.
The high modulus aesthetic material exhibits unprecedented low mold shrinkage values (0 % md/0.1 % pmd) and is suitable for dimensionally stable metal replacement applications. The tensile strength of 265 MPa is high, and the processing window is relatively wide.
Mechanical values perpendicular to the fiber are 28-30 % better compared to competitor materials.
High performance polyamides of the same family with 40 % and 50 % glass fiber reinforcement are available.
50 % glass fiber reinforcement, aesthetic surface, low warpage
PX-DIPROmid A2H6.1G10T2U*9200 Product-ID: 734 Request data sheet
PA66 + X, 50 % glass fiber reinforcement, partially aromatic, low warpage, easy-flow, aesthetic surface
The influence of water absorption on the properties is low. This is a typical metal substitute material for the automotive industry and mechanical engineering.
PX-DIPROmid A2H6.1G10T3U*9200 Product-ID: 803 Request data sheet
PA66 + X, 50 % glass fiber reinforcement, partially aromatic, very low warpage, easy-flow, aesthetic surface
Compared to Product ID: 734, this high-performance material offers a wider processing window and less warpage.
DIPROmid T50.4H2C3*9200 and DIPROmid TR50.4H2*6000
With DIPROmid T50.4H2C3*9200, DIPRO®mat has developed a high-performance material with the following special features:
Another interesting material is DIPROmid TR50.4H2*6000 transparent.
The DIPRO®mat team commissioned two highly specialized plants for thermoplastic AM materials (ETP and TPE) and also high-performance compounds for injection molding and extrusion in spring 2021. With a capacity of 1200 t/a, small quantities from 100 kg/batch as well as production quantities in the ton range can be produced for innovative partners.hergestellt werden.
Crosslink tester with switching bridge
07.2021 ROTFELD-Consulting Developed a Wide Range of Highly Reinforced, Aesthetic Polyamides for Its Sister Company DIPROmat GmbH, Most of Which Are Produced with Unprecedented Low Warpage and Without the Currently Very Scarce Polyamide 66 Precursors.
Metal replacement applications with the highest precision are possible.
Two product lines for additive manufacturing (pellet and filament printer) and injection molding applications are available from DIPRO®mat on request. The first DIPRO®mid HT4 PPA filament materials with high Tg, low warpage and minimal water absorption at moderate processing temperature and 25 % glass fiber reinforcement are available on request for FFF/FGM printers.
DIPRO®mat – Materials for Digital Production
The company DIPRO®mat – Materials for Digital Production emerged from the ROTFELD Consulting Network in the first half of 2020 (see network participants list).
Change in the ” Inner ROTFELD-Network ” :
In the founding year 2017/2018, the SKZ “Das Kunststoffzentrum” Würzburg was a member. Since November 2018, NMB “Neue Materialien Bayreuth” has taken its place. Especially the activities in the field AF “Additive Manufacturing” largely coincide with the network activities. The focus is on materials for 3D printing processes with thermoplastics in powder and filament form.
Partner for ” Tribological Applications ” wanted.
The “Querdenker Netzwerk” of Rotfeld-Consulting is looking for a medium-sized company to optimize gear wheels, bearings and other parts subject to friction and abrasion through the pioneering technology of irradiation cross-linking. Promising results are already available.
In electrical engineering, the successful path of radiation crosslinked components made of polyamides began in order to survive melting during temperature peaks. This is state of the art and in series production at most suppliers of switchgear and relays. The fact is, after some time it became apparent that the mechanical life was drastically extended. This developed into the first, and later scientifically proven, principles of significant abrasion reduction by crosslinking the amorphous components of semi-crystalline thermoplastics.